Sabbiatura a Brescia

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Erosion by abrasive jets with water

Wet sandblasting and sandblasting with a humidifier are recommended treatments in all cases where the treatment cannot be performed in the open or in a sandblasting cabinet. These processes reduce the amount of dust by adding a large quantity of water to the jet of abrasive material (olive stone, quartz, bicarbonate, glass beads, Australian garnet, corn cob grit, etc.).


When the water is mixed inside the sandblasting machine, it is known as wet sandblasting; in this case, the water replaces the air as a vehicle for transporting the abrasive. When, on the other hand, the sandblasting machine uses water from the outside, this is called sandblasting with a humidifier; in this case, the vehicle for transporting the abrasive is a mixture of air and water.

Wet sandblasting and humidifier sandblasting are cleaner than dry sandblasting, but less effective, as the abrasive power is reduced by the presence of H2O. As a result, the work takes longer and is more expensive.

Objectives of wet sandblasting and sandblasting with humidifier:

  • removal of the topmost layer of a surface
  • preparation of a surface for painting or applying a protective coating
  • reduction of blasting dust

Operations that may require hydro sandblasting and sandblasting with a humidifier include:

  • interior renovations
  • cleaning radiators, handrails, stone parts, marble and granite elements
  • removing graffiti
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