Sabbiatura a Brescia

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Sabbiatura asecco softclean y


Erosion using jets of even finer abrasive material at very low pressure

Soft-clean blasting consists of blowing a jet of an even finer abrasive than that used for microblasting against the surface to be cleaned, and at a lower pressure than in traditional treatments. The end objective is to clean the surfaces without causing abrasion damage, as can occur with traditional dry sandblasting. Soft-clean blasting is performed on site, at external sites, or, when requested, at the FES Srl headquarters. Where requested by the customer, the soft-clean blasting is followed by the application of a special protective coating.

Objectives of soft-clean blasting:

  • delicate removal of the polluted or dirty surface layer of a product
  • preparation of a surface for painting or applying a protective coating

Operations that may require soft-clean blasting include:

  • brick vault restoration
  • stone and granite restoration
  • exposed marble restoration
  • restoration and preservation of historic façades
  • restoration and preservation of statues and monuments
  • restoration and preservation of churches
  • restoration and preservation of museums
  • restoration and preservation of fine arts
  • restoration and preservation of cultural property

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