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Impianti industriali y


Washing, blasting and painting for plant maintenance

By industrial plants we mean complexes of machines and equipment used in any production sector (food, automotive, textile, etc.) to transform raw materials into finished products. Thanks to the experience gained over the years, FES Srl can perform chemical washing, blasting and painting on any type of industrial plant. From plants that produce fresh pasta, which require the removal of food residues accumulated over time, to mechanical plants dedicated to the production of fittings, which require the removal of oil and incrustations.

How do we perform maintenance for industrial plants?

FES Srl can perform rapid and effective ordinary and extraordinary maintenance.

FES Srl performs chemical washing, blasting and painting for the maintenance of:

  • industrial plants of any type (food, automotive, textile, etc.)
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185x80 LOGHI 0012 Ori Martin
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