Sabbiatura a Brescia

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Sabbiatura industriale

Brick sandblasting

Exposed brick sandblasting for interior and exterior walls

Sandblasting brick walls is a recommended procedure for cleaning the facades of residential and industrial buildings to restore their original appearance.

It is a specialized process that removes dirt, dust, corrosive stains, remnants of old paint and plaster, traces of cement, mold, fungi, and imperfections caused by rain and external agents.

Our team utilizes advanced techniques and equipment to remove dirt without damaging the underlying bricks, making the walls look as good as new.

For years, we have been committed to providing customized sandblasting solutions to meet your needs. Each project is carefully evaluated to determine the right combination of techniques and abrasive materials.

Our team of experts has extensive experience in the field of sandblasting. With technical expertise and in-depth knowledge of materials, we can deliver an excellent and long-lasting result.

Sandblasting can be applied to various surfaces, from wood beam treatments to stone, marble, and granite walls.

Are you interested in knowing the cost of sandblasting for brick walls? Contact us for a quote. We offer free and no-obligation site inspections.

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