2000x635 testata interne Servizi

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Technical painting consultancy

Our certified inspectors are available to offer expert advice to companies, public and private bodies, both in the design phase for new painting and in the event of post-work problems.

In the design phase for new work, FES Srl consultants can offer their support to assess and implement the most appropriate strategies to preserve the products from corrosion, in full compliance with the regulations governing this delicate area.

In the event of post-work problems, the FES Srl inspectors can assist in disputes by performing assessments and providing explanations of the causes, drafting the most appropriate plan of action for prompt resolution.

185x80 LOGHI fincantieri
185x80 LOGHI 0010 R Affmetal
185x80 LOGHI 0007 Gruppo Mauro Saviola
185x80 LOGHI 0006 alfaautomation
185x80 LOGHI valsir
185x80 beton
185x80 LOGHI vezzola
185x80 itinera
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185x80 LOGHI 0003 alfa acciai logo
185x80 LOGHI 0002 manni sipre
185x80 fermont
185x80 LOGHI 0004 ferrero logo colore
185x80 LOGHI 0012 Ori Martin
185x80 ferriera
185x80 LOGHI CMM fratelli rizzi