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Consolidamento sismico

Seismic retrofitting interventions

Seismic strengthening

Seismic strengthening of masonry buildings, historic buildings, and infrastructure.

Seismic retrofitting is a seismic upgrade technique designed to improve the structural reinforcement of a building. Seismic retrofitting involves targeted interventions aimed at enhancing the strength of an existing structure, such as adding reinforcement elements like beams, columns, braces, or metal plates.

The objective is to increase the building's capacity to withstand seismic forces and reduce damage in the event of an earthquake. This intervention not only enhances the safety of existing structures but can also enable the restoration and preservation of historic or architecturally valuable buildings.

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Seismic upgrading and consolidation: our experience at your service

We have a solid experience in carrying out structural reinforcement interventions: our highly skilled engineers and technicians specialize in analyzing existing structures and designing customized solutions to improve seismic resistance. We utilize the latest technologies and advanced materials to ensure reliable and long-lasting results.

Our services

We offer a wide range of services in the field of seismic upgrading for masonry buildings and infrastructure to meet our clients' diverse needs. Our services include:

  • Structural Analysis: Our experts conduct thorough structural analysis to identify vulnerabilities and assess the load-bearing capacity of existing structures.
  • Customized Design: We design tailor-made solutions based on the specific needs of your structures, utilizing state-of-the-art materials and seismic consolidation techniques.
  • Structural Reinforcement Interventions: We implement the designed seismic consolidation interventions, employing methods such as structural resin injection, installation of tension rods and metal plates, or the application of specific wall coatings.
  • Monitoring and Maintenance: We also provide continuous monitoring services for the consolidated structures and offer preventive maintenance to ensure their long-term integrity.
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