Sabbiatura manutenzioni industriali sili brescia 1header

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FES restored these structures that were suffering from wear after years of service.




The client asked FES Srl to perform blasting and apply anti-corrosion painting; the first to clean the surface and the second for preservation, to give new life to the silos, returning them to daily service for several more years.

185x80 LOGHI fincantieri
185x80 LOGHI 0010 R Affmetal
185x80 LOGHI 0007 Gruppo Mauro Saviola
185x80 LOGHI 0006 alfaautomation
185x80 LOGHI valsir
185x80 beton
185x80 LOGHI vezzola
185x80 itinera
185x80 salcef
185x80 LOGHI 0003 alfa acciai logo
185x80 LOGHI 0002 manni sipre
185x80 fermont
185x80 LOGHI 0004 ferrero logo colore
185x80 LOGHI 0012 Ori Martin
185x80 ferriera
185x80 LOGHI CMM fratelli rizzi